
    The Sparger Springs community is located off Sparger Road in West Durham. It is made up of 100 townhomes that were built in the 1980s. The development is near Duke University, and is only a short drive from Hillsborough. Sparger Springs is a spacious neighborhood with wonderful natural areas. Deer frequent the community. In the springtime, crape myrtles, Bradford pears, and dogwoods are in full bloom, while maples brighten the autumn scene.

    The Sparger Springs Homeowners Association owns, manages, and landscapes all common areas. The association also handles most exterior maintenance issues. For more details, please review the Sparger Springs Rules and Regulations.

    All Sparger Springs property owners are automatically members of the Homeowners Association with fees charged at the beginning of each month. Please click on the button below to log into the homeowner portal to pay HOA dues, to submit maintenance requests, and to view the HOA bylaws, covenants, and resident rights.

    Kathy Mckinney - Co-President
    Nancy Harmon
    - Co-President and Chair of Nominating Committee
    Ashley Dellinger
    - Vice President and Chair of Aesthetic Committee
    Tammy Rutledge
    - Treasurer
    Jim Schwab
    - Chair of Maintenance Committee

    - Hoa@westandwoodall.com

Maintenance Services Offered
  • Repair and/or replace roofs, flashing, ridge vents, dryer vents and plumbing vent boots.
  • Repair and/or replace flashing around skylights.
  • Pressure washing and painting of exterior building approximately every five years.
  • Repair and/or replace rotted siding, trim, and fascia.
  • Clean, repair and/or replace gutters, downspouts and exterior foundation drains twice a year. Fall and Spring.
  • Repair and/or replace water, sewer and storm drain lines between the meter and the exterior of the townhome or on any Sparger Springs common property.
  • Exterior drainage – french drains, natural swells, etc. Maintenance as needed.
  • Repair and/or replace all street and entrance lighting.
  • Repair all streets, parking areas and sidewalks.
  • Grass will be mowed, edged, seeded, fertilized and aerated.
  • Natural areas visible from the street will be weeded and mulched as needed.
  • Shrubbery will be pruned and sprayed for disease when necessary.
  • Trees will be pruned away from buildings, walkways and other surfaces. Dead, diseased and dying trees will be removed as needed.
Request Maintenance